AI generated bike frame


  • Made in the CAD program Fusion 360.
  • Generative design AI model.

I was inspired to create Generative Design models when I purchased a second-hand microphone for my Youtube Channel, which did not come with a stand. Fortunately, my school had a 3D printer that I could use to print out a stand at no cost. As I was unsure of how to design the stand to bear the weight of the microphone, I decided to let an AI algorithm generate the most optimal shape for the stand.

How it work:

The AI model works by allowing the user to create shapes that they would like to connect. The user also specifies the amount of force each shape will endure. The AI then connects the shapes and intelligently removes material from areas of low stress to make the weight as low as possible. The GIF above is a time-lapse that I created that shows how the AI removes the materials.

Bike frame:

I was curious to find out what the lightest and most optimal bike frame would look like, so I decided to create a Generative Design frame. I took a photo of my bike and used CAD to map the area around the bearings, which the AI model then connected. I 3D printed a mini model of the frame, but to create a lifesize version I would have needed access to a metal 3D printer, which unfortunately my school did not have.